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What Women Want from the Workplace

More than 25,000 human resource professionals gathered in Las Vegas for SHRM 23. We enjoyed learning the history of HR with an over-the-top song-and-dance open (as only Vegas can do it), a keynote speech from the wise Mitch Albom, and Bill Clinton's thoughts on immigration policy.

I was thrilled to have the opportunity to present, What Women Want from the Workplace, to a room of people eager to learn more about attracting, engaging, and retaining women at work. (Read a summary here.) I also worked at a booth -- interacting with people all day long eager to to know how to cut retention.

It was all very BIG! What did I learn? We all have more latitude than we think to push the envelope. Push harder. The power, energy, optimism, and knowledge to make workplaces more human was immense. I felt energized and reinvigorated. Coming back, I felt ready to get back at it!

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