Remember that old saying, "Never assume. When you do, it makes an ass out of you and me." The advice holds.
It's a lonely road when you assume. You think everyone's bought in. Then you look back and nobody's there.

Never assume that people
Read what you send them
Understand what you've told them
Agree with your position
Have the same level of knowledge as you
Choose to spend their time in the way you want them to
Think it's the same level of importance as you do
Believe it's as urgent or even a priority
Or give a damn
You are better served when you approach every interaction assuming that people
Haven't read what you sent them
Don't get it
Are ignorant of the nuances
Disagree with you
Don't want to put in the effort
Or, at the very least, don't give a damn
When you do those things you will have set realistic expectations, which means you'll rarely be disappointed. Instead, you will spend the time and you will do the work to get people where you need them to be.
Instead of just assuming.
And then you're out there all by yourself wondering what happened ... where it all went wrong.